All Shands employees, legal spouses of employees, and other eligible dependents qualify for EAP benefits.
There are two different ways to obtain help from EAP:
1. Self Referral—This is a completely confidential method of getting help for yourself by simply calling the EAP 24-hour provider number: (352) 265-5493.
2. Employer Referral—If your problems visibly affect your job performance, your supervisor may recommend that you access the EAP for an evaluation. Your supervisor will not have access to your records. Participation in the EAP is not included in your personnel files.
Shands HealthCare pays for the basic services of the EAP and regards the program as a fringe benefit. Up to the first four visits to a provider are free to the employee. If more services are needed, the counselor will coordinate continued care within your health benefits plan.
All discussions with EAP counselors, records of treatment or assistance, and all follow-up care are strictly confidential. Counselors follow professional standards and a strict code of ethics, which includes a firm commitment to protect and uphold confidentiality.